Shop Happenings — forged sculpture
Fire Place Tree
design fireplace fireplace tools fireplacetool set forged sculpture metal sculpture new creation new product news Shop happenings

I forged this in preparation for th Waterford Fair coming up on Oct. 4-6th in Waterford Va. Come checknit out. Organic tree fireplace tool set. First I want to give credit for inspiration I got for this project from @mt_phillip_metal_works and @joetheblacksmith13 . The use of the copper interlacing into the handle I got from @joetheblacksmith13 , I asked if I could use his idea and he graciously gave me permission. I used a technique I saw @mt_phillip_metal_works use for forgewelding on the branches with a power hammer. Also want to thank @dirtysmithFor the continued inspiration I get from his...